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Its all about that gait

Today was the first day of clinic! We each dispersed into to our teams to venture out to our clinic settings! The settings included outpatient orthopedics, inpatient acute care, skilled nursing facility, pediatrics, and the community clinic. Today six of us had the pleasure of treating pre-operative orthopedic and CVA patients at Massaya Hospital. The experience was eye opening to us all as dogs and cats roamed the hospital wings as we walked patients down the hall and instructed crutch walking. Bed mobility, transfers, and gait training were performed with CVA patients with the improvisations of documentation tables as walkers. Today the inpatient team learned that effective treatment can occur with limited resources and creative minds!

The first presentation at UNICA was given today by the Catarina Community Center group led by Dr. Jody Gundrum. The group presented on the gait cycle and gait deviations. During the presentation, students led small groups through gait deviations by acting them out, their performances would make Dr. Julie Ries proud!

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