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The Time of My Life!

So as usual I am behind. We are a little more than a week returning from our trip from Nicaragua. I have had time to reflect. I have had time to recover (some itchy skin thing).

I would do it all over again.

I was in a SNF-Hogar San Antonio-I think I asked for it, I couldn’t remember. Before we left I was overwhelmed and doubting my place on the trip since my plans to be proactive on Spanish didn’t pan out, studying for comps was in the same boat, and of course I had ……no books. I was feeling like I hadn’t prioritized my time well. I was however excited to be with my classmates again, to be able to see what everyone had learned in clinic. I looked forward to the synergy of knowledge and application. I wasn’t disappointed. Our instructors set us up for success assuring us just being there was enough.

I can’t say enough about my classmates. They overcame tremendous challenges to go and carried their frazzles much better than I did. I was paired up with a most amazing and patient classmate, Mike. Anyone who has ever worked with Mike knows he’s the epitome of selflessness. My peers were inspirational walking and stimulating patients who hadn’t had meaningful interactions for some time. The community came alive and we were not only witnessing it but were part of it.

The people of Nicaragua don’t have much but they have each other. There is much we can learn from them. In Nicaragua the forty or so residents were well cared for look sporting dresses, collared shirts, dress pants, shoes. They had a well sorted clothes locker and a store. Everyone was bathed daily from 5am until 8. No sacral sores or pressure ulcers. No one sat in soiled briefs for any length of time and after being taken care of they were out and about in a new outfit. The residents were outside most of the day-so I know, that’s not fair, they have the weather for it, but still no TV and an idea of a community. I can’t help but wonder how our exercise class would have gone in the US with competition of TV’s. In the two weeks we visited they had two Mariachi bands, 3 school visits, and several parties. They don’t have physical therapy there, but they need it, but then only if it is approached the way they seem to do everything-with love and selflessness.

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