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Outpatient Orthopedics

So much has happened in the short amount of time we have spent here in Nicaragua. There has been both growth on a personal level as well as growth as a group of inspired health professionals. I feel as though every day we spend here we encounter moments that truly speak to us and remind us of our purpose as health professionals. For those of us at Masaya Hospital outpatient center, we experienced that today. Our patient was a 16-year-old boy who was in an accident that resulted in a humerus fracture with paralysis and absence of sensation from the elbow down. We were all caught off guard with emotion as we began to exam the scared patient as his mom watched carefully. The mother was then taken over with emotion after we explained the potential for nerve regrowth and improvement in function of the boy’s arm. Watching the tears of joy and hearing a joyful mother repeat “thank you Jesus” is more than enough to remind us of the difference we can make in this world.

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